Glutenfree tourist in Norway
Glutenfree at restaurants:
It varies from place to place, but especially in the larger cities many restaurants can offer gluten free meals and/or can adjust the meal to be gluten free, especially in the middle or more expensive categories. We recommend you to check it in advance, or ask the waiter at arrival.
Here you may see a map that gives a little overview of places with a glutenfree offer, but please be aware that many of these are recommendations from members and are subjective tips. Changes may have occurred, and we have no follow up or certifying system for this: https://ncf.no/coliaki/reisetips/glutenfrie-spisesteder (It is in Norwegian language only, but hopefully it will be a little useful, still).
Visit Norway has made a gluten free guide in English - for a safe and tasty adventure in our country.
Regarding gluten free food at hotels, we also recommend you to check out in advance, and inform within arrival that you need glutenfree breakfast/food. Our impression is that many hotels can arrange this ok. It may also be an advantage to remind them at arrival, as well, and if necessary ask the staff in the breakfast room.
Glutenfree products – where to buy:
You may find gluten free products in most supermarkets, such as Meny, REMA 1000, KIWI and Coop Mega.
Fresh bread and cakes in Oslo:
The bakeries named Baker Hansen have a good range of freshly baked glutenfree products (in addition to products with gluten). You find them on most “every corner” in central city, and also some in the surroundings of Oslo. Also we can mention the quite new Glutenfrihuset in the Tøyen area, which has a wide range of only glutenfree bakery products.
We wish you a nice stay and a good, glutenfree experience in Norway.