How serious is the "may contain traces of gluten" on a turmix bag?

I have noticed that most of the nuts we can buy here in Norway state that they may contain traces of wheat or gluten. This is probably because they are packed in facilities where products containing gluten are handled. But it's almost impossible to find nuts that have the gluten free symbol. Do you have any recommendation? How serious is the "may contain traces of gluten" on a turmix bag? Thanks!

Lise svarer

That'ss correct! The reason is because it "may be" contaminated. The danger of it really being contaminated is very small. I dont know of any brand of nuts with the Crossed Grain-symbol. The Norwegian Food Authorities (Mattilsynet) do not recommend Crossed Grain on products that are naturally gluten-free, like nuts. Turmix from Polly contains gluten (malt) but turmiks from Rema 1000 is gluten free and without traces of gluten.