Our son hasn't got an official diagnose for celiac disease

Hi, the reason for getting in touch is that our 8 year old son has not been provided with an official diagnose for celiac disease. The procedure for the diagnose was not followed by our GP, and as a result, our son would have to eat gluten for at least 5 months to get a second blood test that confirms his diagnosis. As a result, our son is not receiving any economical support a celiac patient is entitled to. We have submitted a complaint to GastroPoliklinikk in Bergen but the answer is not addressing what we asked for. We would very much appreciate some advise on this. I can provide our complaint letter and answer received if this would help. Thanks in advance. Eva

Trond svarer

I cannot replay on a personal basis, only in general terms. The diagnostic criteria set by NAV is very strict, and many who do not fulfil their criteria for the diagnosis end up like you have, by having to redo a long gluten provocation period in order to reactive the disease. It is difficult to fight NAV, and it depends on which diagnostic criteria he fulfilled when he received the diagnosis. A specialist in paediatric medicine (barnelege) must nevertheless, confirm the diagnosis. Therefore, you have to do as the specialist recommend and reactivate the disease so he may be proper diagnosed This is needed before NAV can accept the diagnosis, which is a request before they can give him economical compensation for gluten free diet.